Printmaps is currently limited (for technical reasons) to maps of max 1330mm (or 133cm) side length. If you need a bigger map you can create two adjacent maps (make sure to keep a little overlap) with identical settings (zoom level, scale percentage, rotate degrees, map style, etc).

Then stich the two map files together in Photoshop or Illustrator. Procedure in Photoshop:

  1. Open both target PSD and source PSD in Photoshop
  2. Double the canvas size in the target PSD, plus put a guide to the edge of the first map
  3. Select all layers of the source PSD
  4. Choose Layer> Duplicate layers, and then choose the target PSD where to duplicate them to
  5. Move all layers to the right position in the target PSD (the guide comes handy here)
  6. Fine-tune the position now using features like streets in the overlap section, until no seam is visible anymore
  7. Now delete the overlap section in half the layers with the help of the guide